Thursday, May 13, 2010

Acne on a Budget

Are you asking yourself "What can I do to clear my acne without spending a fortune"??? Many Americans are faced with the issue of having no insurance.
No insurance means the inability to go to the dermatologist on a regular basis. So what else can you do besides buying over the counter acne medicine. I recently discovered endless possibilities with using Essential Oils. Essential oils can be used for backpain, arthritis, anti aging,as well as acne. I have had acne for several years at the start of puberty and when I began applying makeup. Up until recently, I have had a very difficult time keeping my acne at bay so I would find myself covering my face up with concealer to hide my imperfections. I would some days avoid social confrontation because I was so embarrassed about my appearance. Acne has controlled my life for many years and now I have found Essential Oils to take control of my acne so that I can be the best everyday without the embarrassment.